Health and wellness news updates

  • EMF SEnsitivity and EMF Overexposure

  • Mapping Our Technosphere Katie Singer – Environmental Health Trust

    Mapping Our Technosphere  This post is from the May 2023 Newsletter from Katie Singer  My new report, “Transportation within our means,” illuminutes the shocking realities of electrifying everything. It’s posted at Please sign up for a free or paid … Read More

  • Arizona Fountain Hill Town Council Votes For Moratorium on 5G – Environmental Health Trust

    The moratorium resolution was proposed by Councilwoman Brenda Kalivianakis and supported by council members Gerry Friedel, Allen Skillicorn and Hannah Toth. The resolution calls “upon all utilities operating in the Town of Fountain Hills …to cease and desist the build … Read More

  • Resolution Put Forward By Detroit Councilwoman: Detroit Health Department to study the health impact of cell phone towers on school children  – Environmental Health Trust

    Press Advisory For Immediate Release by Detroit Councilwoman Waters.  Detroit Councilwoman Waters asking Detroit Health Department study health impact of cell phone towers on school children Detroit Councilwoman Waters asking Detroit Health Department study health impact of cell phone towers … Read More

  • Former ICNIRP Member James Lin: Outdated FCC and ICNIRP Wireless Radiation Limits Are Questionable – Environmental Health Trust

    Former ICNIRP member James C Lin publishes yet another article in IEEE Microwave Magazine on the lack of health protections in current FCC and ICNIRP wireless radiation limits.  The article “RF Health Safety Limits and Recommendations” overviews that latest scientific … Read More

  • FCC Faces Renewed Challenges Over Alleged NEPA Noncompliance – Environmental Health Trust

    Published in Inside EPA here.  January 24, 2023 Federal communication regulators are facing renewed legal and other challenges over their alleged noncompliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) , as officials work to approve plans for a massive ramp up in … Read More

  • Stop AB 965: California 5G/4G Fast-track Bill – Environmental Health Trust

    Tell your state representative to VOTE NO ON AB 965! Your Quick Action Is Needed!!! California Assembly Bill AB965 “ Local government: broadband permit applications” allows wireless providers to apply for cell tower transmitter permits in batches of 50 or … Read More

  • Environmental Procedures at the FCC: A Case Study in Corporate Capture – Environmental Health Trust

    Environmental Procedures at the FCC: A Case Study in Corporate Capture “An environmental and public lands policy attorney with over 30 years of experience, including in agencies, Congress, andacademia, Erica Rosenberg worked at the FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau from 2014 … Read More

  • Factcheck: The FDA Has Not Deemed 5G or Cell Tower Radiation As Safe – Environmental Health Trust

    Factcheck: The FDA Has Not Deemed 5G or Cell Tower Radiation As Safe The FDA has no authority in regards to cell tower radiation and 5G infrastructure, nor has the agency evaluated the body of science on cell tower radiation.  … Read More

  • New Study: Cell phone calls linked with increased risk of high blood pressure – Environmental Health Trust

    Peer-Reviewed Publication EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY Sophia Antipolis, 5 May 2023:  Talking on a mobile for 30 minutes or more per week is linked with a 12% increased risk of high blood pressure compared with less than 30 minutes, according … Read More