Health and wellness news updates

  • Scientific Paper on 5G Health Effects: ICNIRP Method For 5G Millimetre Wave Radiation May Trigger Adverse Effects – Environmental Health Trust

    New Paper:ICNIRP Guidelines’ Exposure Assessment Method for 5G Millimetre Wave Radiation May Trigger Adverse Effects This paper explores the assumption by ICNIRP that it is not necessary to assess 5G exposures > 6 GHz using specific absorption (SAab) and concludes … Read More

  • New Educational Modules on Children and Screens Developed by Pediatric Occupational Therapist Cris Rowan – Environmental Health Trust

    The ways in which we are raising and educating children with technology are not sustainable. One in 3 children enter school developmentally delayed, 1 in 4 are obese or overweight, 1 in 5 have a diagnosed mental illness, 3 out … Read More

  • Scientific Paper on Children, Wireless Technology, and Health Effects by Renowned Experts in Environmental Health – Environmental Health Trust

    New Scientific Paper on Wireless and Children’s Health: Renowned Experts Call for Physicians to Address Family Wireless Exposures as Part of Well-Child Visits New comprehensive paper links wireless radiation exposures to cancer and impacts on brain development, memory and reproduction. … Read More

  • Wildlife Presentation – Environmental Health Trust

    Register for the presentation here. Download a factsheet on wildlife and cell towers here.  Theodora Scarato MSW is Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust (EHT), a scientific non profit think tank focused on prevention. EHT publishes research on the scientific, … Read More

  • Mobile Phone Use Associated With New-Onset Chronic Kidney Diseases – Environmental Health Trust

    Mobile Phone Use, Genetic Susceptibility and New-Onset Chronic Kidney Diseases published in the International Journal of Public Health  found mobile phone use significantly associated with a higher risk of new-onset new-Onset chronic kidney diseases (CKD) especially in those with longer … Read More

  • Higher cancer rates found in military pilots, ground crews – Environmental Health Trust

    A Pentagon study has found high rates of cancer among military pilots and for the first time has shown that ground crews who fuel, maintain and launch those aircraft are also getting sick. More at AP News : Higher cancer … Read More

  • 5G in New York City – Environmental Health Trust

    New York City is slated to get dozens of new huge 30 foot 5G and 4G poles! The new 5G poles are very large, tall and leading to many questions and fierce opposition by New York residents. See LinkNYC Link5G … Read More

  • Canary In a Gold Mine Film on Wireless Radiation Effects – Environmental Health Trust

    Piti Theatre’s Film  “Canary in a Gold Mine”  “Canary in a Gold Mine” is a 21st century love letter as well as a wakeup call to the risks of 24/7 wireless exposure. A unique blend of theater and documentary, “Canary” … Read More

  • 5G Health Effects Briefing for New York City Jumbo 5G Poles – Environmental Health Trust

    Download the science and policy briefing on 5G jumbo poles in New York City here. 

  • Korea Study: Rates For Cancer Has Increased in Areas Exposed to Cell Phone Radiation – Environmental Health Trust

    Reports from South Korea—the nation that first adopted widespread use cell phones – – are showing the first signs of what some fear may become a global epidemic.  While the overall rate of brain cancer has declined,  rates for highly … Read More