Health and wellness news updates

  • Korea Study: Rates For Cancer Has Increased in Areas Exposed to Cell Phone Radiation – Environmental Health Trust

    Reports from South Korea—the nation that first adopted widespread use cell phones – – are showing the first signs of what some fear may become a global epidemic.  While the overall rate of brain cancer has declined,  rates for highly … Read More

  • Radiation Physicist Victor Leach on 5G and Wi-Fi Health Effects – Environmental Health Trust

    Bumping into the unknown of 5G and WI-FI part 2. With radiation physicist Victor Leach As a practicing Radiation Health Physicist who worked for government agencies that set standards, I was appalled by what I discovered. I wanted to explain … Read More

  • Dr. Devra Davis Recognized With Lifetime Leadership Award – Environmental Health Trust

    Americans for Responsible Technology is pleased to announce Dr. Devra Davis as the recipient of the organization’s Leadership Award in recognition of her lifetime of dedication to science, health and public awareness of environmental toxins. Dr. Davis was the founding … Read More

  • The Pentagon Is Funding Experiments on Animals to Recreate ‘Havana Syndrome’ – Environmental Health Trust

    The Pentagon Is Funding Experiments on Animals to Recreate ‘Havana Syndrome’ Politico reported: The Defense Department is funding experiments on animals to determine if radio frequency waves could be the source of the mysterious ailment referred to as “Havana Syndrome” … Read More

  • Swiss Federal Office for the Environment Report on Arthropods, Includes Insects – Environmental Health Trust

    The Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) has commissioned a review report on the effects of non-ionising radiation on arthropods, such as insects, which was prepared by the University of Neuchâtel.   The Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) … Read More

  • Electromagnetic waves, for better or for worse? France – Environmental Health Trust

    Electromagnetic waves, for better or for worse? (FRENCH) [embedded content] They are odorless, invisible and yet they are there. Microwaves, wifi, mobile telephony, never has a technology developed so quickly… Electromagnetic waves have been deployed without any scientific research measuring the … Read More

  • Community Groups Sue LA County Over New Wireless Antenna Ordinances  – Environmental Health Trust

    Community Groups Sue LA County Over  New Wireless Antenna Ordinances  Groups say recent changes eliminate community involvement, flout environmental laws, and ignore safety concerns   (Los Angeles) A coalition of community and environmental groups staged a press event today in East … Read More

  • Maine Bill to Study Wireless Radiation Impacts to Wildlife and Children – Environmental Health Trust

    Maine lawmakers are considering a Bill that would task the University of Maine to research the impacts of wireless networks to wildlife as well as to children. The bill “Resolve, to Study the Effects of 5G Technology on Bird, Bee … Read More

  • Who is entitled to interpret the risks of mobile phone radiation? – Environmental Health Trust

    New diagnose:funk publication: Who is entitled to interpret the risks of mobile phone radiation? About campaigns by a cartel of industry, Federal Office for Radiation Protection and ICNIRP   Dear Collegues, in 2022, there were four media campaigns in Germany … Read More


    ANOTHER STUPID DEFAULT: AIRDROP “EVERYONE” Information from a Montgomery County Parent.  If you’ve ever looked at your kid’s phone and seen obscene, scuzzy, incriminating images or videos, don’t be so fast to assume he/she is to blame. Kids are AirDropping … Read More