As the court case against 5G was proceeding in London, as reported by Jean Hudon, a “Meeting of Europeans for Safe Connections and other NGOs concerned about pollution from wireless connections” convened in Brussels by MP Michele Rivasi, Member of the European Parliament.
“Europeans for Safe Connections (ESC) is a coalition of national and international organisations that are aware of adverse consequences of the modern communication technologies. ESC members develop proposals to arrive at a safer use of wireless telecommunication technologies, limiting radio frequency and microwave exposure as low as it is reasonable, at the level of individuals as well as the society, and the natural environment, flora and fauna.”
Links to watch:
The agenda featured:
18:30 Opening and Context Introduction, MEP Michele RIVASI
18:35 European for Safe Connections, presentation by Rob VAN DER BOOM
18:50 Phonegate lessons and SAR compliance in EU, by MD Marc ARAZI
19:05 Being Electrohypersensitive in the EU, a public testimony
19:20 The European Citizen Initiative «Stop5G- Stay Connected but Protected», presentation by Pernille SCHRIVER
19:30 Q/A, Discussion and MEPs Comment, moderated by MEP Anne-Sophie PELLETIER
19:50 The 2011 Resolution of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly: “The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment”, a perspective by Jean HUSS, Rapporteur of the Resolution
19:55 The 2021 Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee: “The societal and ecological impact of the 5G ecosystem”, a perspective by Dumitru FORNEA, Rapporteur of the Opinion
20:00 The 2030 Hexa-X Flagship initiative of the European Commission, by Peter STUCKMANN, European Commission, DG CNECT
20:05 Discussion and exchange of views, moderated by MEP Ivan SINČIĆ
20:25 Conclusion and Next Steps, by MEP Michele RIVASI
Part 1:
Part 2:
At 5:31, it is asked by Pernille Schriver “How can the EU rollout 5G when they have not done an environmental assessment? “