Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments Textbook of Environmental Health in Nursing 2nd Edition Included Cell Phone radiation and Electromagnetic Fields.
The Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (ANHE) announced the publication of Environmental Health in Nursing 2nd Edition – an update to their award-winning open access textbook for nurses and other health professionals representing the latest issues in environmental health. Unit III: A NEW FORM OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: WIRELESS AND NON-IONIZING ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS was written by Catherine Dodd PhD, RN, FAAN and Theodora Scarato, MSW Executive Director Environmental Health Trust
Catherine Dodd PhD, RN, FAAN is an Environmental Health Consultant, former Chief District of Staff Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Deputy Chief of Staff for Health and Human Services to San Francisco Mayor (now CA Governor Newsom), former Director Region IX USDHHS under President Clinton.
Theodora Scarato, MSW is Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust (EHT), a scientific think tank that publishes research and educates policymakers on environmental health issues with a current focus on cell phones 5G. EHT filed a historic lawsuit- EHT et al., v the FCC– against the FCC regarding their wireless radiation safety limits and received a favorable decision whereby the FCC has been mandated to re-examine the record evidence on wireless radiation.
Scarato and EHT with Dr. Devra Davis have spearheaded efforts to strengthen US wireless radiation limits. Scarato has presented at the National Institutes of Health, the New Hampshire State 5G Commission, the University of California San Francisco, Henley University and several international conferences.
The Natural Resources Defense Council Amicus Brief highlighted the lack of environmental review for 5G and wireless networks and featured EPA ‘s letter to Theodora Scarato on the Lack of Protections for Electromagnetic Fields which confirms that there is no environmental agency ensuring safety for cellular radiation.
“The wireless revolution and the expansion of the internet of things is rapidly increasing our exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMFs) now considered a new form of environmental pollution (Russell, 2018, Bandara & Carpenter, 2018). Health and medical professionals recommend that we reduce these EMF exposures because of a growing body of research that documents adverse biological effects from low level exposures (Miller, 2019). This chapter will introduce what EMFs are, how people are exposed, science documenting health effects of exposure, U.S. and international policy on protection from EMFs and nursing implications for clinical practice and advocacy in concert with ANA’s principles. “
Click here to go to Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments to Read and Download the Textbook