Nighttime is the perfect time to easily reduce your electromagnetic (EMF) exposure. This way your body can rest and heal from the day. Even if just do one or two things, it will make a huge difference in your daily EMF dose.
A mounting body of science links wireless EMF radiation to cancer, memory problems, behavioral problems, altered brain development, oxidative stress and effects to fertility. Non-ionizing magnetic field EMF is associated with leukemia and brain tumors. Exposure during pregnancy is associated with miscarriage, ADHD, obesity and asthma.
- Do not sleep with your cell phone.
- Ensure bedrooms are free of all screens, electronics and wireless devices. Yes, remove them or distance them from the bed as much as possible.
- Do not charge phones, tablets or devices near the bed. Charge them on a hard surface in another room.
- Use a battery powered alarm clock, because electric clocks emit high magnetic and electric field EMFs that also impact our biology.
- If you must use a cell phone as an alarm clock, put the phone on airplane/flight mode with all wireless antennas OFF.
- Power off all wireless devices at night in your home so that your nighttime exposure to radiation is reduced. This includes routers, gaming consoles, home cordless phone bases, and mobile phones.
- Turn the Wi-Fi router off at night. Better yet, install a hardwired ethernet connected network. If you must have Wi-Fi, attach a router separate from your modem so you can turn it easily off.
- No electronics or electrical cords near/under the bed.
- For reading books at night use a battery powered blue light free book light or incandescent flashlight.
Keep Your Bedroom Dark:
- Use light-blocking curtains or an eyepatch to keep light out of your eyes at night.
- If you need access to light in the middle of the night, use low-illumination night lights—rather than switching on hallway or bathroom lights that would flood your body with melatonin-suppressing light.
- If you have an electronic that emits LED or any kind of light, remove it from the bedroom.
- No dimmer switches or fluorescent lights in the bedroom.
Start a Healthy Bedtime Routine:
- Stop using screens at least an hour or two before bedtime.
- The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends an “Electronic Bedtime”.
- Parents can and should set healthy limits on screen time with their teens and children. For example, at a certain time all devices are collected and powered off.
Get Natural Light Exposure During the Day:
- Daytime exposure to sunlight, especially in the early morning, can help strengthen circadian rhythms and boost your daytime alertness, resulting in a body better prepared for sleep at night.
- This can be as simple as a brief walk outside or spending time near a window that lets in the morning light.
Reduce Wireless Exposures During the Daytime Whenever Possible:
- Reduce exposures to wireless radiation by making simple changes at your home, such as using corded ethernet connections for computer internet connections and choosing wires rather than wireless for smaller tech devices like your computer mouse, speakers, and other components.
- Simple changes to the way you use your cell phone can significantly decrease your exposure throughout the day.
- Learn how to reduce cell phone radiation exposure here.
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