Dr. Devra Davis Recognized With Lifetime Leadership Award – Environmental Health Trust


Americans for Responsible Technology is pleased to announce Dr. Devra Davis as the recipient of the organization’s Leadership Award in recognition of her lifetime of dedication to science, health and public awareness of environmental toxins.

Dr. Davis was the founding director of the Center for Environmental Oncology and the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and founding director of the Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology of the U.S. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. She is the founder and president of Environmental Health Trust.

“Patti and I are delighted to make this award to our long-time friend and colleague Devra Davis,” said Doug Wood, Founder and National Director of ART. “Devra has shown the world how a scientist can impact the lives of ordinary people in extraordinary ways, and we all owe her a debt of gratitude.”

“Dr. Devra Davis has been a tireless warrior for environmental causes, especially those that impact human health,” said Dr. Hugh Taylor, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences and Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Yale-New Haven Hospital, “The world is a safer place today because of Devra’s advocacy.”

“Good leadership springs from vision and commitment. Great leadership requires cooperation and respect. Dr. Davis has demonstrated these qualities in abundance in the struggle for a more responsible technological world,” said Paul Ben Ishai, Department of Physics, Ariel University, Israel.

“Devra Davis is a force of nature! She has raised awareness not only in the US but around the world on the potential risks of radiofrequency radiation,” said Linda Birnbaum, former Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the National Toxicology Program.

“Devra Davis has been a champion of public health throughout her extensive scientific career on causes of environmental diseases,” said Ron Melnick, former senior toxicologist in the National Toxicology Program (NTP) at the National Institutes of Health. “Her continuous and hard-fought effort to reduce cancer risks from radiation emissions from wireless devices and to ensure the protection of children’s health is just one example of her dedication for a safe environment.”

“Dr. Davis has the unique talent to present technically difficult topics in a clear and understandable manner,” said Frank Clegg, President of Canadians for Safe Technology and former President of Microsoft Canada. “This is one of the many reasons she is such a worldwide force in the effort to protect humanity from the harmful effects of wireless radiation.”

Listen to the latest Green Street News podcast featuring our interview with Dr. Devra Davis.

To learn more about Dr. Davis and her work to protect public health, visit the Environmental Health Trust at EHTrust.org

and their new website, Healthy Tech at Home
