Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity: The State of Science an European Parliament Workshop hosted by MEP Michele Rivasi (Greens/EFA) – Environmental Health Trust


April 13, 2023; WORKSHOP: Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity: The State of Science


Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity: The State of Science
an European Parliament Workshop hosted by MEP Michele Rivasi (Greens/EFA)

Electromagnetic-Hyper-Sensitivity (EHS), also called Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF), is a condition defined by the attribution of various and non-specific symptoms to exposure to electromagnetic fields of man-made origins. This European Parliament workshop event for MEPs, Commission, Stakeholders will discuss the state of science of the EHS. Researches and publications of a dozen of scientists, from all over Europe, will be presented at the European Parliament, with communication posters and debate on policy options.

When : 13 April 2023, from 14:30 to 18:30, room A5E1

EHS can be a severely disabling condition, with a relatively high prevalence and needs better scientific understanding and more effective treatments. The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) estimates in 2018 the prevalence of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) at 5% of the general population, aka 25.6 millions Europeans.

The ANSES report assumed that “the complaints (pain, suffering) expressed by people who declare themselves to be EHS correspond to an experienced reality and these people need to adapt their daily lives to cope with them. The symptoms experienced by people who declare themselves to be EHS sufferers, as well as the psycho-social isolation experienced by some of them, require and justify appropriate care by health and social care providers“. Additional surveys estimates that the prevalence of people with restricted access to work due to EMF sensitivity at 0,65 % of the general population, equaling near 5 millions EU people.

The European Parliament, since 2009, “calls on Member States […] to grant people suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity the status of persons with reduced abilities, so that they can enjoy appropriate protection and equal opportunities“.

Much of the scientific and medical controversy over the causation of EHS lies in the absence of recognized clinical and biological criteria for diagnosis. Explanatory hypotheses range from psychological “nocebo” effect to individual sensitivity, with individual responses to EMF depending on individual genetic and epigenetic properties. Others experts are considering “functional impairment” or neurological syndrome.



What are the latest findings on EHS from the Science? How can we interpret these findings? Do these researches can contribute to the current hypotheses and the scientific debate? What public health and inclusive policy options can be favored to support EHS people and improve their quality of life?


14:30 Opening and Introduction, MEP Michele Rivasi

14:35 – 15:35 Panel 1 : What Science finds?

  • Sam J. England, PhD, MP, UK
  • Frederic Greco, MD, FR
  • Yael A. Stein, MD, MPH, IS
  • Dimitrios J. Panagopoulos, PhD, GR

15:35 – 16:00 Pause

16:00 – 17:20 Panel 2 : What researchers think?

  • Andrew A. Marino, Hon. Prof. of Biophysics, JD., USA
  • Dariusz Leszczynski, PhD, DSc., FI
  • Dominique Belpomme, Hon. Prof of Medical Oncology, MD, MSc, FR

17:20 – 17:40 Pause

17:40 – 18:25 Panel 3 : What public health policies can do?

  • Magali Koelman, MD, EHS Reseau Santé, BE
  • Dumitru Fornea, European Economic and Social Committee, RO
  • Klaus Buchner, PhD, Hon. Member European Parliament, DE

18:25 Conclusion and Next Steps, by MEP Michele Rivasi
18:30 End of the Workshop

Watch live https://ep.interactio.eu/jrnb-dvyi-tryv
