FDA States They Are Not Responsible for 5G – Environmental Health Trust


On Mar 29, 2022, at 12:21 PM, OC Ombudsman <Ombuds@oc.fda.gov> wrote:



In follow-up to our initial conversation, FDA is responsible for protecting the public health from hazardous or unnecessary radiation from radiation emitting electronic products. The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has jurisdiction over all radiofrequency transmitting structures in the United States.  Therefore, the 5G tower you inquired about is under the authority of the FCC, not the FDA. I have copied Howard Griboff on this message so that he is aware of the limitation of FDA’s authority.


When I inquired into your concerns I found that a few months ago the Deputy Director of FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) explained the scope of FDA’s regulatory authority as well as responded to your questions.  In addition, the Ombudsman for CDRH offered to be your contact if you had any new questions that had not been answered by the Center.


I understand that this issue is very important to you.  I hope this information is helpful.




Laurie Lenkel

FDA Ombudsman 

