Two Letters From City Council members of Pittsfield to Massachusetts State Legislature in Favor of Wireless Radiation Right to Know Legislation.
Letter From Peter White Councilor City of Pittsfield to Massachusetts State Legislature in Favor of Wireless Right to Know Legislation October 4, 2021
From: White, Peter
To: <>; Tricia Farley-Bouvier <>; Adam Hinds <>;
Sent: Monday, October 4, 2021, 04:19:48 PM EDT
Subject: Resolve S. 186 and S. 187 Testimony
Dear Esteemed Legislators,
Thank you for advancing State Senator Cyr’s wireless radiation bills in prior legislative sessions. Please do everything in your jurisdiction to ensure these bills are passed this session as the number of reported people affected by today’s rapidly increasing levels of radiofrequency radiation is rising.
In Pittsfield, residents have reported to us they have been diagnosed with electromagnetic sensitivity after developing symptoms of headaches, nausea, dizziness, insomnia, skin rash, palpitations and tinnitus after a cell tower started transmitting adjacent to their neighborhood.
In their own homes, residents can choose to use options like hardwired Ethernet connections, increasing their distance from devices, and placing them on airplane mode or turning off Wi-Fi when not in use, but only if they know these options are available. S. 187 is a “right to know” bill and helps educate consumers about wireless safety practices.
As a municipal leader myself, I look to the state for guidance on wireless safety.
S.186, to form a commission to investigate the health and environmental impact of today’s wireless technology is vital as the science has been shared with us. We are looking to you to translate the science into policy change and protections that can then be applied across the state.
Engineers can readily develop safe, sustainable, energy-efficient technology but it is up to our legislatures to require it. You have that opportunity in Senator Cyr’s Resolve S. 186 and S. 187 to help Massachusetts municipalities have consistency.
Please pass form a commission to investigate the health and environmental impact of today’s wireless technology.
Other states have implemented protections, and it’s time for Massachusetts to ensure safe and sustainable technology, as well. Our municipal leaders and volunteer boards should not have to navigate these issues alone. Thank you for providing our cities and towns with the guidance we need to ensure the health and safety of all Massachusetts residents. We also need verified information and guidance moving forward to assist with decision making.
Pete White
Pittsfield City Councilor At Large
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Dear Esteemed Legislators,
Thank you for advancing Senator Cyr’s wireless radiation bills in prior legislative sessions. Please do everything in your power to ensure these bills are passed this session as the cumulative harm is mounting from today’s rapidly increasing levels of radiofrequency radiation.
In Pittsfield, residents have been diagnosed with EHS, or electromagnetic sensitivity after they developed symptoms of headaches, nausea, dizziness, insomnia, skin rash, palpitations and tinnitus after a cell tower started transmitting adjacent to their neighborhood.
As taught by doctors at the international EMF Medical Conference 2021, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from radiation pulsed by cell towers, small cells and utility “smart meters” and wireless devices is the leading cause of the rise in electromagnetic illnesses.
In their own homes, residents can choose to options like hardwired Ethernet connections, increasing their distance from devices, and placing them on airplane mode or turning off Wi-Fi when not in use, but only if they know these options are available. S. 183 is a “right to know” bill and helps educate consumers about wireless safety practices.
As municipal leaders, we look to the state for guidance on wireless safety.
S.186, to form a commission to investigate the health and environmental impact of today’s wireless technology is vital as the science has been shared with us. We are looking to you to translate the science into policy change and protections that can then be applied across the state.
Engineers can readily develop safe, sustainable, energy-efficient technology but it is up to our legislatures to require it. You have that opportunity in Senator Cyr’s Resolve S. 186 and S. 187.
Please pass these bills to form a commission to investigate the health and environmental impact of today’s wireless technology, especially as it impacts our children, our pollinators and our planet.
Other states have implemented protections, and it’s time for Massachusetts to ensure safe and sustainable technology, too. Our municipal leaders and volunteer boards should not have to navigate these issues alone. Thank you for providing our cities and towns with the guidance they need to ensure the health and safety of all Massachusetts residents.
Councilor Anthony V Maffuccio
Anthony Maffuccio
Ward 7 Councilor
City Council
City of Pittsfield
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On February 2, 2022, the Pittsfield, MA Board of Health unanimously voted to issue a cease and desist order to Verizon to shut down its tower located at 877 South Street. Families living in the neighborhood near the tower reported wireless radiation-related health issues soon after the tower became operational in 2020 and since then, have been working tirelessly to turn the transmissions off. This action is the first known vote on a cease and desist by a Board of Health in the United States for a cell tower
About Environmental Health Trust
Founded in 2007, Environmental Health Trust, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, is a think tank that promotes a healthier environment through research, education and policy. EHT conducts cutting edge research on environmental health hazards and works with communities, health, education professionals and policymakers to understand and mitigate these hazards. Currently, EHT works with scientists, policymakers, teachers, parents and students to promote awareness on how to practice safe technology.
The Environmental Health Trust has worked on the issue of wireless radiation for over a decade submitting thousands of pages of evidence to the FCC in the years leading up to the court’s decision. EHT scientists testified in 2009 Senate hearings and 2008 congressional hearing on cell phone radiation- the last ever held. EHT scientists have continued to publish research on the health effects of non -ionizing electromagnetic radiation and organized numerous national and international scientific conferences on the issue. Visit for more information and sign up for our newsletter.