Maine lawmakers are considering a Bill that would task the University of Maine to research the impacts of wireless networks to wildlife as well as to children. The bill “Resolve, to Study the Effects of 5G Technology on Bird, Bee and Insect Populations and the Effects of Long-term Exposure on Children” had a public hearing before the joint Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee at 1 p.m. ET on Tuesday, March 7 in Augusta, Maine.
Testifying live in favor of the bill was the sponsor, Representative Tracy Quint, Ed Friedman, Chairman of Friends of Merrymeeting Bay, Courtney Gilardi from Pittsfield, Marg Friesen of Canadians for Safe Technology and Paul Heroux PhD from Canada and Theodora Scarato MSW, Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust.
Testifying live against the bill was a physicist named Eric Swanson, on behalf of the CTIA Wireless Association as well as Ben Lucas representing the Maine Chamber of Commerce.
Read Representative Tracy Quint’s testimony on the bill here.
Environmental Health Trust submitted extensive testimony and scientific resources to the official record including:
Numerous people submitted testimony. Please see all the submitted testimony for the bill here.