Special Appeal to Canadians: Act Now for the Right To A Healthy Environment! – Environmental Health Trust


Special Appeal to Canadians: Act Now for the Right To A Healthy Environment!

Please contact Canada’s Senators to have wireless radiation, such as that emitted from cell tower antennas and other wireless infrastructure, included in Canada’s top legislation for protecting environmental health.

The Senate of the Canadian Parliament is considering amendments to its premier environmental law, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA).

Plants and animals such as birds and insects, including pollinators (e.g., honey bees), can be affected adversely by wireless radiation. However, there is no Canadian law that is intended to protect non-human species from wireless radiation (radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR)).

CEPA is the logical law for this.

To provide the scientific evidence and rationale for this important inclusion, and to educate and inspire politicians and others, like you, to make this happen, Prevent Cancer Now and Canadians for Safe Technology have co-authored a white paper entitled “Protect the Birds, Bees and Trees: Include Anthropogenic Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation in Canadian Environmental Protection Act Amendments. April 2022.”

Download White Paper 

Radiation emitted from wireless communications is bioactive, and levels can be quintillions of times higher than historical, naturally low levels. Adding urgency, this bioactive environmental agent could be a contributing factor to the dramatic decline of populations of birds, insects and other living creatures.

Please contact the members of the Senate’s Energy, Environment and Natural Resources (ENEV) Committee, asking, individually, each member to have wireless radiation included in Senate Bill S-5. (Many of the members will not read an email message that is addressed in bulk to multiple recipients.)

Also write to each of the Senators in your province and include a link to the PCN/C4ST white paper. The full white paper can be accessed at:  https://preventcancernow.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/RF-EMRinCEPA-WhitePaper-inclAmendments-PCNC4ST-UPDATED2022April7.pdf

Also urge, individually, Senate Bill S-5 sponsor Senator Kutcher, your province’s Senators, as well as Minister Duclos (Health) and Minister Guilbeault (Environment and Climate Change) to fix Bill S-5, to give Canadians a chance to have a real and meaningful Right To A Healthy Environment”.

Suggested Actions:

  1. Please sign this form at the Prevent Cancer Now website, to show your support:
  2. Email each Senator on the ENEV committee: https://sencanada.ca/en/committees/enev/

Ask each Senator to please include wireless radiation in Bill S-5 and provide each Senator with a link to the PCN-C4ST white paper: https://preventcancernow.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/RF-EMRinCEPA-WhitePaper-inclAmendments-PCNC4ST-UPDATED2022April7.pdf

A few days after you send your email messages, follow up with a phone call to confirm receipt. You may have to resend it. Senators get many email messages, so it is important to follow up. Senators’ phone numbers are here: https://sencanada.ca/en/committees/enev/

Also email and follow-up with a phone call:

  1. Sponsor of Bill S-5, Senator Stanley Kutcher,: https://sencanada.ca/en/senators/kutcher-stan/
  2. Minister of Health, Jean-Yves Duclos: https://pm.gc.ca/en/cabinet/honourable-jean-yves-duclos
  3. Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Steven Guilbeault: https://www.canada.ca/en/government/ministers/steven-guilbeault.html
  4. 6. Senators in your Province: https://sencanada.ca/en/senators/

There is no Canadian law or policy that addresses environmental effects of wireless radiation.

For more information, visit the Prevent Cancer Now article: Canadians and residents need due process and science in national law, to assess and regulate “wireless radiation”
