Villagers of Wadi Talavalim in India Condemn Cell Tower on School Property – Environmental Health Trust


The Villagers of Wadi Talavalim have strongly condemn the plan of erecting a mobile tower at the Government Primary School Premises at Bhedshem Talavalim using Police force. Locals said that despite them suggesting an alternative site for the mobile tower the Contractor and officials were not ready to listen to them.

“Why are you playing with the lives of
our children and others who are living
near the school The Villages of badi the
lovely have strongly condemned the plan
of erecting a mobile Tower at the
Government Primary School promises
using police force locals .”

Research on cell towers radiation listed here. 

“This morning, the locals were shocked to see that the mobile Company damaged the compound wall ICB of the School entering in School Premises and started digging a pit for the foundation of the mobile tower without keeping any setback behind close to the school walls.
The parent said that the government urged locals to send children to School and then attempted to erect the tower.
Parents said they would remove their children from School if the tower was erected.
Shanudas Sawant condemning the incident, said being the office-bearer of one School in the area, he is very much concerned about it.
He said the radiation from mobile towers would be harmful to health.” Read more at
