Wyandotte elementary school cell tower sparks strong protests – Environmental Health Trust


In Michigan, parents are protesting the installation of 5G cell antennas on the Wyandotte elementary school. The story has resulted in near daily news coverage. 

U.S Congressman Shri Thanedar released a press statement saying that the cell tower on top of the school is unacceptable. 

Michigan state representative James Desana  intends a bill to restrict cell towers and equipment near schools. EHT submitted a scientific letter on the health effects of cellular radiation to Michigan lawmakers in support of the bill. 

Wayne State Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Dr. John Liu says studies show there is a risk.

“Radiofrequency from the cellular tower is harmful to people,” he told YXYZ-TV Detroit News. 

Watch a video of the parents speaking out at a local school board meeting here. 

Major News Reports on the Wyandotte elementary school 5G cell tower
