Evox Therapy

Evox Therapy

Why consider Emotional & Spiritual Therapy?Live Healthier with Dr Kathy Veon's Help

The emotional and spiritual aspects of healing are often more important than the physical aspects of healing in that emotional or spiritual imblances or traumas can manifest as physical illness.  Often, when the emotional truama is acknowledged, it can be healed.  Through the emotional healing comes an easier, more complete physical healing.  Physical and Non-Physical cannot be separated and the Non-Physical cannot be ignored if a person truly wants deep healing.

What is physical must first come from the energetic aspect of existence.  Emotional Repolarization Technique (ERT) and EVOX biofeedback therapy are just two of the many ways a person can uncover and heal hidden or subconscious beliefs that are blocking complete physical or mental healing.

Benefits of EVOX Perception Reframing Therapy - EVOX Therapy

The emotional aspect of healing and wellness is often far more important than the typical protocols of healthy eating and exercise, yet often receives little attention. Common roadblocks to real health often stem from making poor choices, lack of willpower, and repeated destructive behavior. It is actually the subconscious mind that controls up to 90% of our daily behaviors.

Therefore, ‘sub-conscious stress’ stemming from a real or perceived trauma can create negative behavior patterns that can sabotage even our best efforts of success at almost any endeavor, and can persist throughout a person’s lifetime.

Effective clearing of emotional roadblocks can create new insights to dealing with stressful situations, and the ability to not only recognize all the choices available, but also to follow through with new healthy choices and improved decision making.

EVOX Perception Reframing Therapy uses innovative voice mapping technology to identify congested emotional areas at the subconscious level, and effectively clears them by feeding back the missing frequencies detected in a person’s voice. Shifts in voice patterns can be noticed almost immediately. Subconscious roadblocks are accessed and cleared, leading to long lasting positive change.

Often, real or perceived trauma begins in childhood with our primary caregivers, and the effects of the trauma are stored in the sub-conscious for a lifetime. By healing the family relationships at the subconscious level, a person is free to work on even more specific desired improvements in their life with greater ease and success.

Timeframe of EVOX Therapy

Over approximately a six-week period, Trans-Generational Reframing sessions can be completed, effectively healing the perceived or real traumas experienced with parents, grandparents, caregivers, spouses or significant others. Many patients experience life changing transformations just through clearing negative family or relationship patterns.

After Trans-Generational sessions are complete, additional EVOX Therapy sessions can target specific desired changes, such as clearing fears and phobias, improving sports or work performance, changing destructive habits or beliefs, relationship problems, achieving goals….the list is not limited at all.

EVOX Perception Reframing Therapy

Dr Veon Logo - Central Florida Preventative Medicine - Quality TestimonialsEVOX Perception Reframing Therapy can be useful in many situations where a person may feel ‘stuck’ in a negative thought or behavior pattern. By first healing the subconscious mind, the driver of almost all behavior, more complete physical and emotional healing can begin. EVOX Therapy can help:

  • Reduce or eliminate worry, stress, anxiety, or pessimistic outlook
  • Alleviate destructive thought patterns and negative behavior
  • Improve performance in work, school or athletics
  • Heal addictions and compulsive behavior
  • Heal emotional causes of weight problems
  • Recovery from a traumatic event / Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD)
  • Improve relationships
  • Chronic pain and illness
  • Psychological issues
  • Improve results of traditional ‘talk therapy’ or counseling
EVOX Therapy by Dr Kathy Veon