Holistic Medicine Ocala by Dr Kathy Veon - A Holistic Doctor
What is Holistic Medicine?
Holistic Medicine Ocala Florida practiced by Dr Kathy Veon includes a wide variety of therapies including:
- Nutrition
- Acupuncture
- Emotional Repolarization Technique
- EVOX Therapy
- Cation Mudpack Therapy
- Quantum Reflex Analysis mucle testing techniques
- Whole & Oraganic Food Therapy
- and Detoxification, just to name a few.
Ocala Area Holistic Medicine takes into account all that it means to be human. Environmental, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, and Physical aspects are all considered when finding the real root causes of illness, imbalance and disorder.
All sources that contribute to a person’s existence must be acknowledged when embarking on a healing journey. Holistic Medicine therapies are all about detoxifying and nourishing the body, mind and spirit to bring complete healing into reality.
Nutrigenomic Testing & Your Health – A Holistic Medical Solution
Understanding how your body utilizes nutrients and how efficiently your detoxification pathways are working can make a substantial impact on which therapies will be most effective. One size does not fit all! Holistic medical solutions like this can explain why this treatment mechanism is so important for achieving and maintaining optimal health. Click Here to Learn More Now
Let's talk about Holistic Medicine for Ocala and all of Central Florida Medical Patients
Holistic Medicine Ocala, this is a system of healthcare for Metro Orlando residents. It emphasizes the need to look at the whole person, including analysis of physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, spiritual, social, and lifestyle values. It requires a cooperative relationship among all involved, leading towards optimal attainment of the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of health. Holistic Medicine focuses on education and the responsibility for personal efforts to achieve balance and wellbeing.
Ocala Area Holistic Medicine encompasses a vast array of natural therapies that include nutrition, herbal medicine, emotional healing, bio-feedback therapies, food therapy, acupuncture, meditation, physical exercise, poultices and mudpacks, and other physical therapies, that can bring a person into a balanced state, free of disease. These therapies can be used alone, or even more powerfully, together.
A Few Good Secrets for Maintaining Good Health...
Remove Hidden Infections with Dr Kathy Veon – Holistic Medicine Ocala Florida
Hidden infections, including parasites, can live undetected in the body for years. Symptoms can include fatigue, brain fog, memory problems, tumors, fibroids, auto-immune diseases, and cancer. It is top priority to remove these ‘root causes’ of degenerative disease by removing the infection. Until the infection is removed, the end result of degenerative disease or cancer will continue to return. Through Holistic Medicine and Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA), hidden infections can be found and eliminated with natural herbs and nutrients.
A healthy endocrine system supports whole body health as well as optimal mood and energy levels. Supporting the hormone system assures a healthy aging process free of uncomfortable symptoms…for both men and women.
Detoxify Yourself with Doctor Kathy Veon – Holistic Medicine Ocala
We acquire toxins in our every day lives, no matter how carefully we try to avoid exposure. Toxins from our water, foods, beauty products, and environment can suppress the normal function of the organs and glands. Their functions cannot be restored for the long term without removing the toxins themselves. With Holistic Medicine, removing toxins is easy to do, and can be maintained by understanding what foods and types of water are best for us.
Dietary fats are important for healthy DNA and cell formation. Healthy fats such as Cold Pressed Olive Oil, Virgin Coconut Oil, and Organic Grass Fed Butter give the body high quality construction materials to build cell walls that have ‘high fluidity’ and resist the penetration of viruses and bacteria. Inferior oils to be avoided include: Canola, Soybean, Corn and other vegetable oils. Also, never cook at high heat for an extended amount of time with Olive Oil, as it easily oxidizes when exposed to high heat. Consuming any oxidized oil can damage the cells of the body, causing inflammation and disease.
Love yourself! Real healing happens from the inside out…not the outside in!
~ Create a healthy environment in which to live and work. Maintain good boundaries to honor yourself and others while on this journey called ‘Life’. Live from a place of ‘spirit’ rather than a place of ‘ego’ response.
Fact: The body, mind and spirit can heal themselves. The right environment must be provided for that to happen. It is a matter of choice…..a true gift to cherish.
Digestion and Balancing pH Levels Matters | Doctor Kathy Veon, Your Holistic Medicine Ocala Area Expert
As we age, or consume a high amount of cooked or processed foods, our digestion becomes sluggish. Many people are misdiagnosed as having acid reflux and given an acid inhibitor drug to fix the problem. The truth is that belching, indigestion, and acid reflux symptoms are a sign that there is too little acid and too few digestive enzymes in the stomach to properly digest food. When our digestion is poor we are also unable to properly assimilate key nutrients that keep our pH in the optimal alkaline range and repair bone and soft tissue. This is very important for women because if the blood pH levels are too acidic, the body will ‘steal’ minerals from the bones to buffer the acidic blood. Proper supplementation and healthy eating habits can reverse this process. Digestive health and alkaline pH levels are the keys to anti-aging and longevity.
Let's discuss Healing in Holistic Way! - Holistic Medicine Ocala Florida practiced by Dr Kathy Veon
Let’s discuss at Healing in Holistic Way
Physical Aspect of Healing:
- Support the entire body with nutritionally dense food, in its most natural state, and free of chemicals, hormones, additives or synthetic nutrients.
- Hydrate with water free of chemicals (fluoride / chloride) and additives.
- Use whole food supplements at therapeutic levels, for a season, to reverse damage at organ and gland level and to nourish and rebuild. Avoid use of synthetic nutrients.
- Clear any remaining tissue damage from old physical traumas or scars (Cation Mudpack Therapy is very helpful)
Emotional / Mental Aspect of Healing:
~ Heal emotional issues. Unresolved emotional issues often manifest as physical disease. Let go of negative or destructive thoughts and relationships. EVOX Therapy and Emotional Repolarization Technique are excellent healing tools to clear past emotional trauma. Holistic Medicine addresses all aspects of being, including emotional, mental and spiritual healing.
Develop a Healthy Microbiome! - Get Holistic Medicine Ocala with Dr Kathy Veon
Your Gut is the Foundation of Your Health
The health of the microbiome in our digestive system (gut) has a profound effect on our overall health and wellness. Immune and inflammatory factors, neurotransmitters for healthy mood and psychiatric health, proper assimilation of nutrients and so much more begins in the gut. Learn how to develop and maintain a healthy microbiome to improve your overall health.
Gut Health = Overall Health
The health of our digestive system determines: how well we assimilate nutrients; fend off viruses, parasites and bacteria; create healthy neurotransmitter balance, as well as develop healthy immune responses and avoid allergic reactions, food sensitivities and even autoimmune disorders. When first working with a new patient, the main priority is to correct and heal the gut function. Digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, probiotics, low histamine foods, allergy elimination treatments, stress management and avoiding environmental toxins are all a part of this important healing process.
Our gut is often referred to as the ‘second brain’ because it is home to the enteric nervous system (ENS) which operates independently from the brain and spinal cord with millions of neurons which coordinate muscle contractions in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, 90% of the body’s serotonin is made in the gut, and imbalances of peripheral serotonin can lead to many disorders such as anxiety, depression, IBS, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, just to name a few.
Damage to the tight junctions of the intestinal lining can lead to unwanted toxins, such as lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and pathogens in the bloodstream where they can trigger an inflammatory immune response known as ‘metabolic endotoxemia’. This is often one of the main underlying factors of leptin and insulin resistance, which leads to diabetes of the brain and liver. This gut damage is more commonly known as ‘leaky gut’ and is now known to be implicated as a root cause of type I autoimmune diabetes, type II insulin resistant diabetes, and type III (dementia / Alzheimer’s) diabetes, as well as many other immune and psychiatric disorders.
Healing a damaged gut takes time and requires diligence with implementing lifestyle changes, healthy food choices, reducing environmental toxins and exposures and managing emotional stress. Adding in proper supplementation of digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, high quality probiotics, and supplements to support healthy bile function and immunoglobulin response are all necessary to achieve a truly healthy gut and microbiome diversity.
To learn more about creating and maintaining a healthy and diverse microbiome, please call the office at 407-328-6711 or respond to this email. Stay healthy and happy! Sincerely, Dr. Kathy Veon, DAOM, AP, CCN / Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine / Acupuncture Physician / Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Would you like more information from a Holistic Medicine Specialist? Please contact Dr. Kathy Veon, DAOM, AP, CCN today – 407-328-6711