Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA)

Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) / Muscle Testing

Herbal Medicine and Nutrition Therapy – Quantum Reflex Analysis / Muscle Testing

Herbal Medicine and Nutrition Therapy are very important parts of Holistic Medicine, and are often used in conjunction with a series of Cation Mudpacks for a faster return to optimal health. Herbal Medicine and Nutrition Therapy are powerful tools used to provide optimal and long-lasting health without the unwanted side-effects of conventional medicine. With the proper supplementation of high quality, toxin-free, live source nutrients, even the most chronic and longstanding illnesses can be alleviated.

Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA)™ What is QRA ™ ?

Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) by Dr Kathy Veon
QRA by Dr Kathy Veon

QRA ™ (Quantum Reflex Analysis) is a unique, highly effective system of testing the bio-energetic status of the body’s key organs and glands using a university-proven muscle testing technique of medically accepted reflex points. QRA ™ is based on the Omura Bi-Digital O-Ring Muscle Reflex testing system, which has been proven in dozens of research studies to be reliable and accurate.

During a QRA ™ session, key acupressure points are tested to determine their status and determine the exact nutraceutical formulas, whole food concentrates, and interference field (IF) clearing methods needed to best restore the Biofield coherence. When the body’s Biofield is working efficiently, valuable nutrients are far more available at a cellular level, promoting the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

QRA ™ testing is coupled with superior quality nutritional formulas by Premier Research Labs, Inc. Over thirty years of scientific research and impeccable sourcing of live-source raw materials have gone into making only the highest quality nutritional formulas. Formulas provided by Premier Research Labs are guaranteed to be free of toxic binders and fillers, pesticides, and synthetic nutrients. PRL Quality Statement.  Other very high-quality herbal, nutritional and food supplements may also by used, including: Perque, NeuroBiologix, Microbiome Labs and Pure Encapsulations.

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Do You Have Hidden Interference Fields (IFs) ?

IFs are extremely common and are routinely missed on standard practitioner evaluations. Often the root cause of many problems is due to hidden IFs. QRA can quickly identify and eliminate troublesome IF’s. Common IFs include: scars from surgery or old injuries, vaccinations, previous sprains or broken bones, head trauma or whiplash, dental work, body piercings, and tattoos.

Once your active IFs are eliminated, smaller amounts of nutritional supplements can now deliver potent healing therapy to the whole body. Once the “short circuits” in your Biofield have been erased through QRA ™, the body can return to its ideal cellular resonance and most ideal health. Cation Mud Therapy.

Did you know – Emotional Repolarization Technique can be used with QRA?

Yes. Negative thought patterns can impede a person’s health in profound ways. Using Emotional Repolarization Technique (ERT), the QRA practitioner can identify and clear destructive thought patterns, allowing the patient to return to optimal health.

What Can I Expect on My First Visit?

A New Patient QRA ™ session usually lasts for 1 to 2 hours. During that time, organ systems are tested to uncover weaknesses. The best herbal healing nutrients are then identified to effectively correct the imbalance or weakness. Follow-up visits last for about 30 minutes and are scheduled periodically to assess the healing process.

The vast majority of chronic diseases have a root cause in hidden infections, chemical or other toxic exposure, and low functioning organs. Once the body’s organs are properly tonified and toxins are eliminated, many illnesses can be effectively cleared for the long term.

Healing is a process. The total healing time needed depends on each person’s unique bio-physical makeup as well as emotional, mental, and spiritual factors.

Benefits of Nutritional Therapy and Quantum Reflex Analysis

  • Remove hidden infections that lead to suppressed immune function, chronic illness and fatigue
  • Remove chemical and heavy metal toxins
  • Restore mineral levels and promote healthy pH levels that are necessary for bone and whole body health
  • Restore organ and gland function so the body can return to optimal health
  • Balance hormone levels for all ages
  • Create a body that is strong and resilient to all types of illness
  • Slow the aging process

Call now to learn more about Integrative Medicine and how it can help you. Or feel free to schedule an appointment today – 407-328-6711.

Achieve Balance with QRA by Dr Kathy Veon

Understanding more about the benefits of Nutritional Therapy and Quantum Reflex Analysis

Proper nutrition is the basis of our whole body health. Nutrition and detoxification therapy treatment length is generally short term (3 – 12 months depending on the severity of the illness). The goal is to reverse disease by clearing toxins, infections and interference fields (IF’s) from old injuries or surgeries, and giving the nutrients needed for whole body healing and restoration. Conditions treated with Nutritional Therapy and QRA include:

  • Neurological Disorders  The Overlooked Role of Chronic Infection in Neurodegeneration 
  • Acute and Chronic Pain
  • Immune Disorders
  • Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia
  • Allergies and Skin Disorders
  • Gastrointestinal and Digestion
  • Lymph, Kidney and Liver
  • Hormone Balance, Infertility, Thyroid and Adrenal Disorders
  • Heart, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Blood Sugar
  • Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Poor Memory
  • Anti-Aging and General Wellness

Call now to learn more about Integrative Medicine or to schedule an appointment. 407-328-6711.

QRA by Dr Kathy Veon