Holistic Endocrine System Support
WHY DOES YOUR THYROID AND ENDOCRINE SYSTEM MATTER? – The endocrine system controls a large portion of our daily metabolic processes and when it is not functioning properly, our whole being suffers….mind, body, and spirit.
Nutrient deficiencies, genetic factors, environmental toxins, and stress all play a key role in the development of endocrine system disorders. Read on to learn how an often overlooked nutrient can heal the many facets of the root cause of disease.
Clinical Nutrition for Endocrine System Health By Dr. Kathy Veon

Iodine for Endocrine Health
The endocrine system is an intricate network of several organs and glands which include:
· Hypothalamus
· Pineal Body
· Pituitary
· Thyroid
· Parathyroid
· Thymus
· Adrenals
· Pancreas
· Ovaries
· Testes
This system uses hormones to coordinate the body’s energy levels, growth and development, reproduction, metabolism, mood, and stress response. In order to function optimally, it requires specific nutrients from healthy dietary choices, rest and recovery, a healthy environment low in chronic exposures to stressors such as toxic chemicals, EMFs, emotional/mental traumas, infections, or immune-related stressors. When the body does not have these critical components in place, an ‘endocrine system disorder’ will emerge.
Thyroid gland disorder is among the most common endocrine system disorders in our society, just behind diabetes. Other common endocrine disorders include PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), low testosterone, and osteoporosis.
The main root causes for all thyroid disorders are:
· Low Iodine
· Exposure to Environmental Toxins
· Chronic Mental / Emotional Stress
Unfortunately, the most common treatment of thyroid disorders is the use of T4 / T3 medications, however, studies show that when a woman takes a T4 medication while iodine deficient, her risk of developing breast cancer increases. The proper testing and implementation of iodine repletion addresses the root cause of disease and not just the symptoms.
Low tissue saturation levels of iodine are also implicated in the root cause of many other endocrines and immune system disorders including:
· Metabolic Syndrome / Insulin Resistance / PCOS
· Hormone Imbalances
· Low Testosterone
· Mood and Mental Capacity Issues
· Fatigue and Brain Fog
· Cysts, Tumors, and Cancers
Iodine and nutrient co-factors are necessary for the formation of all hormones, not just thyroid hormones. Iodine is also an excellent detoxifier of heavy metals, environmental toxins, and chemicals, xenoestrogens, mold, parastates, bacteria, and viruses. There are no threatening organisms that are ‘resistant’ to iodine.
Iodine also does not damage the good bacteria or microbiome of the gut. Iodine is also a mucolytic agent and can break down mucous in the body, specifically in the lungs, which makes it a good nutrient for colds/flu and other immune-related assaults. Iodine also protects the cells from radiation damage including RF-EMF exposures and 5G.
Adequate tissue saturation levels of iodine are measured at 90% or more. It is easy to test whole-body tissue saturation of iodine through urinalysis. A 24 Hour Urine Iodine Loading Test is available from Hakala Labs. Be sure to add all three halogens to your cart before checking out (bromide, fluoride, and chloride).
This will test for the presence of toxic chemicals that may be blocking the uptake of iodine into the cells, thereby creating an iodine deficiency scenario and subsequent health issues such as thyroid disorders, hormone imbalances, immune disorders, cysts, tumors, and cancer.
Results of the Iodine Loading Test are very helpful for the implementation of an Iodine Repletion Program. Testing for iodine tissue saturation is done every 6 – 12 months to monitor progress.
For more information about how Iodine Testing and Repletion Therapy can help you, please call the office: 407-328-6711 or email: kathy@drkathyveon.com
Wishing you an amazing upcoming year filled with Good Health, Blessing, and Prosperity! Dr. Kathy Veon, DAOM, AP, CCN – Your Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture Physician, & Certified Clinical Nutritionist!
Keep Up With Dr. Kathy Veon
Dr. Kathy Veon, DAOM, AP, CCN is a graduate of Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine in Santa Monica, CA as well as Florida College of Integrative Medicine in Orlando, Florida.
She is a board-certified Licensed Acupuncturist, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, and Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine. Dr. Veon is currently serving as Vice-Chair of the Florida Board of Acupuncture, and Vice President of Education for the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN).
She holds a private practice in Lake Mary, Florida at Central Florida Preventive Medicine where she specializes in holistic medicine therapies such as Functional Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA), Acupuncture, Pelotherapy, NAET (allergy elimination technique), Western and Chinese Herbology, Nutrigenomic Testing and Nutritional Therapies, EVOX Perception Reframing, Environmental Medicine and helping her patients overcome chronic and debilitating illnesses through finding and correcting the root causes of disease.
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