Holistic Therapies for Healing the Mind and Body

- Nutrient-Dense Food
- Restful and Regenerative Sleep
- Exercise & Spending Time in Nature
- Positive and Life-Giving Mental and Emotional Input

Uncovering the Root Concept or Belief

- Now I can Love Myself
- Now I can Be Loved

Bach Flowers and Homeopathic Gemstone and Mineral Remedies – Part of the How can we start healing the mind?

In addition to the flower and plant remedies, minerals and gemstones have been researched and developed into powerful homeopathic remedies to assist in the healing of deep emotional traumas. For example, the homeopathic remedy ‘Diamond Immersion’ is indicated for persons dealing with chronic depression, self-hatred, and loss of faith. Feelings of despair and worthlessness are often associated with these issues.
Acupuncture – Part of the How can we start healing the mind?

Self-Care Mind Healing Practices – Part of the How can we start healing the mind?
Order Supplements Online
Supplement refills are available online. Pure Encapsulations, Premier Research Labs, Microbiome Labs, NeuroBiologix, Health Concerns, Perque, Readi-Sorb and many others can be refilled here:
Online Pharmacy
Keep Up With Dr. Kathy Veon
Dr. Kathy Veon, DAOM, AP, CCN is a graduate of Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine in Santa Monica, CA as well as Florida College of Integrative Medicine in Orlando, Florida.
She is a board-certified Licensed Acupuncturist, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, and Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine. Dr. Veon is currently serving as Vice-Chair of the Florida Board of Acupuncture, and Vice President of Education for the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN).
She holds a private practice in Lake Mary, Florida at Central Florida Preventive Medicine where she specializes in holistic medicine therapies such as Functional Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA), Acupuncture, Pelotherapy, NAET (allergy elimination technique), Western and Chinese Herbology, Nutrigenomic Testing and Nutritional Therapies, EVOX Perception Reframing, Environmental Medicine and helping her patients overcome chronic and debilitating illnesses through finding and correcting the root causes of disease.
Our office has numerous services to assist people with achieving a good foundation of health – please visit the services page now to learn more. To learn about the other diseases that our medical office handles – please visit the diseases page now. Furthermore, to learn more about Doctor Kathy Veon now – visit her Linkedin page – just click this link.