What is Pelotherapy?
By Dr Kathy Veon - Your Orlando Area Holistic Doctor
Cation Mud Therapy is also known as Pelotherapy and is the medicinal use of clays, minerals, and other ‘earth materials’ as an external poultice for healing purposes. Therapeutic clays exhibit absorption, adsorption, and ionic exchange actions which make them great for detoxing specific areas of the body.
Pelotherapy has been used for thousands of years in many cultures as a powerful healing modality, has been rigorously scientifically researched, and is more widely accepted in Europe for its pain-relieving benefits.
Pelotherapy (Medicinal Mud Therapy) for Pain Relief and Healing of Energy Blockages
According to Chinese Medicine theory, the overall health of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit depends on the healthy and balanced flow of vital force or ‘Chi’, which also plays an important role in moving the fluids of the body. Many external and internal stressors can negatively impact the healthy flow of vital force.
This blog article will focus on the external or ‘physical traumas’ such as surgery, car accidents, head injury, tailbone trauma, and even piercing’s and tattoos. Physical traumas at birth or early in life have even more potential to cause aberrations in the flow of vital force if not properly treated.
So What is Pelotherapy and Why is it so important?

- C-section scar reflexes to the legs causing stiff swollen legs
- Decaying molar (cavitation) reflexes to the chest causing jittery feeling and insomnia
- Fall on hip reflexes to the stomach causing abdominal weight gain
- Weak neck from car accident (whiplash) reflexes to the liver creating allergic reactions
- Tattoos on back reflex to the kidneys and adrenals causing fatigue
- C-section reflexes to the thyroid causing hypothyroid symptoms
- Broken nose reflexes to brain causing deterioration in memory and thinking
- Head injury / TBI from car accident leads to chronic headaches and memory issues
- Knee injury reflexes to ovaries leading to infertility
- Wireless watch blocks meridian pathways leading to pituitary dysfunction

Thanks for reading this blog article - What is Pelotherapy?

Keep Up With Dr. Kathy Veon
Dr. Kathy Veon, DAOM, AP, CCN is a graduate of Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine in Santa Monica, CA as well as Florida College of Integrative Medicine in Orlando, Florida.
She is a board-certified Licensed Acupuncturist, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, and Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine. Dr. Veon is currently serving as Vice-Chair of the Florida Board of Acupuncture, and Vice President of Education for the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN).
She holds a private practice in Lake Mary, Florida at Central Florida Preventive Medicine where she specializes in holistic medicine therapies such as Functional Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA), Acupuncture, Pelotherapy, NAET (allergy elimination technique), Western and Chinese Herbology, Nutrigenomic Testing and Nutritional Therapies, EVOX Perception Reframing, Environmental Medicine and helping her patients overcome chronic and debilitating illnesses through finding and correcting the root causes of disease.
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