Why Try Topical Medicine for Modern Healing?

Why Try Topical Medicine for Modern Healing?

Topical Medicine for Modern Healing | Dr. Kathy Veon

Topical healing therapies have been used throughout every system of natural and holistic medicine including Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Indigenous, and Native American Medicine, Homeopathy, and also modern allopathic medicine.

Creams, salves, poultices, packs, liquids, gels, serums, and patches are used as effective delivery systems for herbal, nutritional, homeopathic, or drug-based therapies. Keep reading to learn more about the effective healing powers of holistic topical medicine.

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Holistic Topical Medicine | Dr. Kathy Veon

Why Try Topical Medicine for Modern Healing?

Topical Therapies

Why Try Topical Medicine for Modern Healing?Topical medicine therapies are common in both holistic and allopathic medicine systems. Common topical remedies used in both Chinese Medicine and Western Allopathic Medicine include: 

  • Lu Gan Shi (Calamine)
  • Bai Fan (Alum)
  • Zhang Nao (Camphor)
  • Liu Huang (Sulfur)

Less commonly known therapies including mineral and homeopathic preparations used for wound healing, skin and eye health, and acupuncture meridian healing include:

Medicinal Mud Therapy

Pelotherapy has long been used for detoxifying tissue and promoting healing. The high cation exchange and osmotic pulling effect draws out toxins and heavy metals while eliminating pain and reduces the load on the immune system. Medicinal mudpacks increase micro-circulation, lymph flow, nerve flow, and cellular energy flow so the body can repair and heal with less obstruction. Increased mobility, reduced pain, reduced scar tissue, repair of damaged tissue, and improved organ and gland function have been observed as an outcome of pelotherapy in clinical tests.

Why Try Topical Medicine for Modern Healing? Mud Healing TherapyThe need for mud packs can be determined by testing trauma sites for Interference Fields (IF’s). An IF can develop after any trauma has occurred to the body. Surgery scars, broken bones, falls and accidents, head trauma, dental surgery, body piercings and tattoos are all examples of tissue trauma that can lead to an IF on the body. The tissue surrounding an IF often accumulates toxins and heavy metals, reducing the flow of energy, nutrients and nerve impulses to that area.

IF’s also affect other organs and glands in the body. For example, a tailbone injury may eventually reflex to the kidneys and adrenal glands, suppressing their function. The person finds that no matter how many nutrients or medications they take, the kidneys and adrenal glands never seem to function optimally. They are always fatigued, have hormonal imbalances or edema / lymphatic congestion.

Topical MedicineApplying medicinal mudpacks to the tailbone and reflex areas (feet) will clear stagnation and toxins in the tissue, allowing the kidneys and adrenal glands to fully absorb and utilize the nutrients necessary to achieve and maintain healthy function without the constant support of extra nutritional supplements.

Thanks for reading “Why Try Topical Medicine for Modern Healing?” – written by Dr. Kathy Veon

Topical Mineral & Gem Therapies

Mineral and gemstone therapies have been used throughout history to support healing, protection and restoration of all living things.  ‘Placement gemstones’ and healing tools can be used instead of acupuncture needles to stimulate the flow of Vital Force or ‘Qi’. 

Gua Sha, translated as ‘to scrape sand’, is the ancient Chinese Medicine manual healing therapy used to stimulate the movement of Vital Force in the body using hand held tools, which are often made of stone or gem materials. Gua Sha massage techniques are often performed with healing oils such as White Flower / Embrocation Oil. Modern cosmetology has adopted the practice of Gua Sha as part of healing facials, and clinical anti-aging and beauty treatments. 

Minerals and crushed gemstones can also be steeped in water and diffused into the air, as well as dissolved into a topical medium such as aloe gel for potent healing effects. One such topical mineral / gem healing formula is known as ‘Transform’ by Ohm. This topical formula is an excellent therapy for anyone dealing with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), or other inflammatory disorders caused by increased oxidative stress exposures. 

Our modern culture has adopted a very unhealthy practice of using excessive wireless frequencies for communication. The effects of excessive EMF exposures are leading to a sharp increase in numerous acute and chronic health conditions. Supporting the body with therapies that reduce oxidative stress and inflammation are essential for everyone. 

Additional topical mineral / gemstone formulas for our modern age include:

Many additional formulas are available for either topical, diffusing, or soaking/bath healing therapies.

If you are unsure which formula is best for you, please contact me to discuss the most appropriate prescription.  

Many more healing resources are available on the Patient Resources page. Consuming nutrient-dense foods, healthy lifestyle habits including daily exercise, sunlight, restful and restorative sleep, healthy thought patterns, relationships, and environments are necessary to achieve true healing.   

For more information about how Clinical Nutrition, QRA, EVOX Therapy, Integrative, Functional and Holistic Medicine can help you attain excellent health, please call the office: 407-328-6711 or email: Kathy@DrKathyVeon.com

As well as wishing you healing and happiness – your local friendly Holistic Healer – Dr. Kathy Veon, DAOM, AP, CCN, Dipl. Ac., Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine; Acupuncture Physician; Certified Clinical Nutritionist & Diplomate of Acupuncture (NCCAOM).

Keep Up With Dr. Kathy Veon

Holistic Medicine By Doctor Kathy VeonDr. Kathy Veon, DAOM, AP, CCN is a graduate of Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine in Santa Monica, CA as well as Florida College of Integrative Medicine in Orlando, Florida. 

She is a board-certified Licensed Acupuncturist, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, and Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine. Dr. Veon is currently serving as Vice-Chair of the Florida Board of Acupuncture, and Committee Chair of Continuing Education for the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN).   

She holds a private practice in Lake Mary, Florida at Central Florida Preventive Medicine where she specializes in holistic medicine therapies such as Functional Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA), Acupuncture, Pelotherapy, NAET (allergy elimination technique), Western and Chinese Herbology, Nutrigenomic Testing and Nutritional Therapies, EVOX Perception Reframing, Environmental Medicine and helping her patients overcome chronic and debilitating illnesses through finding and correcting the root causes of disease.

Our office has numerous services to assist people with achieving a good foundation of health – please visit the services page now to learn more. To learn about the other diseases that our medical office handles – please visit the diseases page now. Furthermore, to learn more about Doctor Kathy Veon now – visit her Linkedin page – just click this link.
